HC 2.17: Transitioning from a life of religious performance towards a kind of genuine relationship with God ….
See the previous post:
5c.2: WHAT IS CHURCH? The Christian Church Sequence …… Community or Corporation?
From an email I sent out to a small group of Christians we meet with every two weeks for a meal at night and a Bible Study and plenty of discussion:
I just met a Caleb last week as a new participate in our small home group in the city of Brisbane, Australia. Through him I have been introduced some thing that is truly AWESOME !! This is the website: https://www.lifestream.org/transitions/ by Wayne Jacobsen.
Caleb said in an e-mail: I’ve been very encouraged over the last few years from what he’s getting at. The series is called “transitions”, talking about transitioning from a life of religious performance towards a kind of genuine relationship that God really wants with us. Like I said, it was all recorded at this one (kind of) “camp”, a group of people struggling with church issues and the like.
During the conversation with another friend Steve in our home group, Caleb shared about his uncle, a former Lutheran Pastor, and aunt. They surprised everyone when they announced that God wanted them to leave their (very successful) ministry and explore a different approach to serving God.
Anyway, the two have had a very profound impact on Caleb’s family and their faith. One element that has really helped Caleb is a series of messages his uncle suggested to him. Caleb has shared the link (below). It’s about 8 hours worth of listening in all, but broken into smaller chunks as posts on the website. Given Caleb’s ringing endorsement and the impressive depth of spiritual insight that Caleb has displayed, I give the website below with the different posts.
One of the things that impressed Caleb about the speaker is that Wayne Jacobsen is not dogmatic in his presentation.
The website: https://www.lifestream.org/transitions/ is broken up into the following posts: