HP 6.2: The Front Garden Room
The Garden around the whole House:
Is a series of interconnecting Garden Rooms …. The whole garden has been
designed as a series of linked garden rooms. Each garden room has a
different function but has creates a real sense of belonging. It may not be
open space but it has sense of unity different to the next garden room.
There is a timber gate entry into the front garden room. It has over it a native Pandorea vine
which gives white tubular flowers in season. This gives a soft entry or exit from the
front garden room.
To the right of the timber gate entry, is a hand built timber planter box. I make
heaps of compost in a big heap down the back from green waste, scraps and all our thrown
out paper and cardboard. Compost is an earthy-smelling, humus-like material
that is a product of the controlled aerobic decay of organic nitrogen. Bacteria
break this all down into a rich black residue that holds many times it weight in
water. The planter box is filled with compost then seedlings like poppies are
planted in this compost. See the results below.
In the previous year, tulips grew and flowered. In Subtropical Queensland,
you do not grow tulips as it is to warm. They like colder climates as down in
Southern Australia or overseas. What we do is to trick the tulip bulbs in getting them
to think they have gone through winter overseas. We put them in the fridge crisper in
April / May, then we take them out and plant them in late May. They grow and flower
in late August. Below is the result !
Tulips planted in a separate pots
See the next post: Post 3: Posts used to Create the Edges of Garden Rooms