This website is about a new worldwide community called New Earth Community. A community linked by the Internet in Cyberspace. The purpose of this community is to bring about a new sense of belonging and an understanding of the affirmation of identity through the Sustainable Life which comes from Jesus Christ. The Christian faith will never be complete. We will always be exploring and discovering what it means to live in harmony with God and each other.

This life is one which has the ability to be continually renewed and maintained. This life has three elements to it:

  • Structure … gives order, direction, aims and overall purpose

  • Spirituality… gives ultimate significance. It is the inner room of your life which answers such questions as: Who are we?, What is the meaning of life?, Are we significant?, What values should I live by?, What gives identity and destiny

  • Social Network … gives a feeling of belonging Family & friends, Clubs and Organisations, Associations, Churches, work colleagues.

This Community is one of a new inner being and friendship … based on a Christian Worldview. This Cyberspace Community has a Vision of Wholeness with Sustainable Solutions for life which will continue to work in the years to come ….. it is a life motivation and encouragement website.

The reason for this website is YOU because you are very valuable. New Earth Community is about people versus programs for people. This community is inspired by a biblical vision with a Spirituality from Jesus Christ. The name `New Earth, comes from Rev 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. We are also referred to as new creatures in Jesus Christ. See 2 Cor 5:17: ‘Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Central to a Christian Worldview is the idea and practice of ‘Being Church’ …. the regular communal gathering of the followers of Jesus Christ. Being Church is when we celebrate our common unity in Jesus Christ.

This worldwide community New Earth Community is an adaptation of the idea of Church in the New Testament .

Wholeness and sustainability are important ‘New Earth Community concepts. A working definition of what a sustainable life is “The ability of your spirit to be continually renewed and maintained.” From this renewed inner spirit comes a renewing of your mind, will and emotions (your soul). This renewed soul leads to inner restoration, peace and a real anticipation towards life.

I, Ken Aitken with my wife Harriet, are the facilitators of this highly interactive community around the world. To gain the most from this website, it is suggested that you print off and slowly read and reflect on the printed pages from this website.

Join this community HERE now.


Ken and Harriet on their May 2010 holiday trip to the South Island of New Zealand.

This was on their Milford Sound section of their trip.

Ken & Harriet’s House is a  hand-built house  built  using human creativity. It is a house a house with a lot of history. It isn’t a historical house but it is  a house built out of recycled pieces which have lot of history. We live in this amazing house built out of rejects for minimal money  in 1981 (40 years ago from 2021). Harriet and I are into simplicity and recycling.

We spent another $20,000.00 on internal things the builder hadn’t allowed for in his costing eg. stone wall construction, glass in the upper apex of the house and brick paving on the floor in flowing lines etc. See the house and garden on my personal experiences website:

See these posts:


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